It is well aware that Anushka got a huge image after the success of Arundhati. She became very busy in Telugu and Tamil language films. She is presently doing a Tamil film with Vijay as hero and the film is being shot in Hyderabad itself. She is also doing a film with Maheshbabu in Telugu under Trivikram Srinivas’ direction. Though the names of several heroines came up for consideration, the unit finally selected Anushka as heroine and her sudden selection embarrassed her in adjusting the dates. After facing several hiccups, the film had gone to sets recently. However, the shooting is again facing problems in the form of Anushka. Only a few scenes and a song were shot for the movie so far. The film got a break now and according to information the shooting would resume on May 23. Not only this film, Anushka signed the dotted line for a film ‘Vedam’ under the direction of Krish of ‘Gamyam’-fame, opposite Allu Arjun. In addition to this, Anushka had also reportedly agreed to play opposite Vikram.
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