Tollywood actor Prabhas feels that it takes time for “everything to fall in place” before the actual shoot of a film commences. “Once the shooting starts, we don’t mind whether it is 43 degrees plus or minus 6 degrees. We just keep working,” he says. The actor is known to have travelled in an auto for a recent film role. Has he done that in real life too? “Of course! I used to travel in autos and buses during my school and college days,” he replies.
The actor’s latest release Billa, the fourth remake of the Bollywood blockbuster Don, has turned out to be a hit at the box office. “We specifically designed Billa as a slick action film and it succeeded,” he says with relish. But didn’t he feel the film went on to be a blockbuster because it had more style than substance? “Probably” he says, “The theme was repetitive, but we gave it our best shot. I also realised that blockbusters can never be made, they just happen,” he reasons.
The actor’s latest release Billa, the fourth remake of the Bollywood blockbuster Don, has turned out to be a hit at the box office. “We specifically designed Billa as a slick action film and it succeeded,” he says with relish. But didn’t he feel the film went on to be a blockbuster because it had more style than substance? “Probably” he says, “The theme was repetitive, but we gave it our best shot. I also realised that blockbusters can never be made, they just happen,” he reasons.